Our Orchestras


Training Orchestra

Thursdays 3.30-4.30pm - Priorsford Primary School

Our Training Orchestra is an ensemble designed specifically for students who have completed at least one year of music lessons. This program offers young musicians a unique opportunity to refine their skills, collaborate with fellow musicians, and gain valuable performance experience in a supportive and encouraging environment. It's the perfect next step for students eager to challenge themselves and grow in their musical journey.


Junior String Orchestra

Wednesday 3.45-4.30pm - Peebles High School - Music Department

Our Junior Orchestra serves as a vital transition ensemble, specifically designed for students in P7. This orchestra provides a unique opportunity for young musicians to perform alongside high school students, fostering meaningful connections and offering mentorship from senior students. By bridging the gap between primary and secondary school, the Junior Orchestra aims to ease the often-daunting transition, helping students build confidence, develop their musical skills, and form lasting friendships in a supportive, collaborative environment.


Senior String Orchestra

Wednesday 4.30-5.30pm - Peebles High School - Music Department

Our Senior Orchestra is the perfect place for musicians seeking a challenge and the opportunity to take their skills to the next level. Typically made up of students at a Grade 4 level and above, this ensemble offers a more advanced musical experience. It’s not just about personal growth—members of the Senior Orchestra also play a key role in mentoring younger students, fostering a sense of leadership and community. If you're passionate about music and eager to support the next generation of musicians, the Senior Orchestra provides the ideal platform to excel and inspire.